Deciding on a bench is a delicate balance of durability and aesthetics, it is an element that must look elegant and last the distance.
There are many things to consider like price, colour , durability and uniqueness in making a decision on which type of bench top you should select as per your priorities.

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1.Durability is key
Bench top gets used every day, and not always in the gentlest of ways. You will want something that is stylist, but withstands the test of time, so granite or quartz or stainless steel stoneover laminates for your surfaces.
Natural stone is a converted choice , it does not handle 24/7 wear and tear effectively, whereas engineered stone has been developed to withstand every day and Marble bench top of have its warm durability.

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2.Chossing the right bench top material and pattern
Your bench top material and pattern match or complement the rest of your interior. Marblegives a standout appearance and gives shine to the place. Bench top edges provide multiple motives, from laying down the item, to its attractiveness and adding up the attribute of unique locution and design.
Stainless steel offers sleek and streamlined look, whereas engineered stone benchtops are available in several sizes, patterns and design options you can choose the desired one based on your preference.

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3.Level of maintenance
A person should never opt for a surface which is not easy to clean and leaves a permanent stain on the surface. Even a small stain on the surface spoils the whole look of the bench top.
Surfaces like granite and marble are tough and luxurious benchtop, but when it comes to maintenance, they have to be kept well maintained and spotless.
Engineered stone benchtops are very easy to clean. Any rigorous or constant maintenance is not needed.

Image Courtesy: theresaszemethy
4.Cost of materials and installation
It is a main aspect which should to be kept in mind. There is a huge difference between in price in surfaces of the benchtop. Generally the cost of your benchtop includes both production cost of the surface as well as installation and delivery charges.
The cost will keep on fluctuating for each surface. But the most effective benchtop is laminate. Engineered stone bench tophas the greatest advantage of cost effectiveness , they are cheaper than granite and marble bench tops.

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Appearances make impressions so it’s highly important to consider it. A black granite benchtop gives a stylish natural stone look it makes the place outstanding and engineered benchtop stone gives superior aesthetic and exceptionally beautiful appearance they add glamour to your place.
Quartz Stone Benchtop gives elegant and give a unique appearance because of many colour options which looks attractive.

Image Courtesy: Britannica gold quartz
There are certain considerations mentioned by DesignersDome you wish to create before purchasing benchtops. First of all, consider the fabric and pattern of the benchtop and ensure that it complements the finish and texture of your cabinetry. Choose a complementary, monochromatic or contrasting combination and choose a benchtop colour accordingly.